29.3 F
Friday, February 7, 2025



Stopping the House Invasions

Amara Weaver is a dedicated mother and grandmother living in Milwaukee, Wis. She worked hard all her life and bought a home for her...

Fed up with the police

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I am a concerned mother that is fed up with the state of Indiana acting like theyā€™re...

Fixing the Capital Improvement Board’s financial fiasco

The Capitol Improvement Board (CIB), which runs Victory Field, Conseco Fieldhouse, Indiana Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium faces a $20 million deficit because...

Addressing Black &mdash on &mdash Black attacks

Do you think itā€™s fair for Blacks to openly criticize other Blacks? I do, as long as itā€™s done in a respectable manner and...

Group gives Indiana and U.S. a ‘D’ for mental health care

How many times have you dismissed a friend or family member's bizarre, rude, or inappropriate actions? Many people, particularly Blacks, tend to say things...

9.2 Unemployment Earthquake and ISTEP math test torture

Since the 1980ā€™s, Indianapolis has been the economic engine propelling Indianaā€™s economy. But the severe economic downturn gripping America finally hit the Indianapolis area...

Time for local democrats to end thier funk, get off their duffs and lead

Four months after winning virtually every county and township office, youā€™d think Marion County Democrats would be euphoric, energized and ready for more gains....

Exercising responsibility

Responsibility is a word that also means accountability. Unfortunately there have been recent instances when adults donā€™t act as responsibly as they should ā€”...

State of the City

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard passed up an invitation from President Barack Obama to go to the White House last Friday so he could practice...

If you think racism doesn’t exist, think again

One of the biggest misnomers that many people believe is that racism in America no longer exists because the country now has its first...


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