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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

IBE’s Bell strikes again

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It has happened again.

Another respected Indiana Black Expo staffer has lost his job at the hands of the organization’s president, Tanya Bell.

Frequent readers of this column may remember my previous editorials regarding former Expo employees who either resigned or were fired since Bell’s tenure began at the beginning of 2008. Prior to and since the employee departures, various Expo staffers and close affiliates told me about Bell’s business acumen and maltreatment of team members. These confidential conversations have been a constant throughout Bell’s tenure at the 39-year-old organization.

August 2008 was the last time I wrote about an IBE employee who was fired. Although others followed, I opted not to write about the matter because it was becoming such a commonality for Bell. I also wanted to be careful of the message I sent by having one major Black institution (the Recorder) continuously and publicly criticize another major Black institution (IBE). Showing solidarity amongst other minorities is a way in which I try to live my life and is one of the primary missions of the Recorder.

However, personally and professionally, I refuse to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to any wrongdoing. It’s my responsibility as a journalist to report the facts, my responsibility as an editorial writer to inject opinion, and the Recorder’s responsibility as the premier outlet for African-American news, to publicize the truth.

With that said, nearly a year to the date later, I’ve broken my silence on the happenings of Indiana Black Expo to inform our readers of the organization’s most recent dismissal.

On Tuesday morning, Tony McGee, IBE’s now former vice president of marketing and sales was let go by Bell who cited “restructuring” as the reasoning. Anyone who knows McGee knows the type of man he is…he’s a man who has tremendous expertise in his profession, a deep history with Indiana Black Expo and Circle City Classic, and a devoted love for the late Rev. Charles Williams. From a personal standpoint, McGee is a God-fearing man who in my eyes is an excellent representation of a Christian, and he’s a dedicated husband to wife Kim and a doting dad to their three children.

I always say that no one on the outside really knows what goes on behind the closed doors of any business or organization, but we can often have an idea. In regards to McGee’s dismissal, my thinking is that it had absolutely nothing to do with him or his work performance, but more to do with Bell and her ubber authoritative disposition.

When McGee joined Expo’s staff, I initially was concerned about him working with a woman that has such a damaging reputation inside and outside of the organization. However, I later became optimistic because I felt IBE needed someone with McGee’s knowledge and demeanor on staff. I was always confident that McGee would be somewhat of a bridge builder for Bell and some of the dissatisfied sponsors of Expo.

While I think it sucks that McGee is no longer with IBE, what’s even more unfortunate is the way in which the dismissal took place. For starters, after a successful Summer Celebration (much because of McGee’s hard work and promotion), he was let go upon his return from vacation. He was only given 10 minutes to collect his belongings and he was escorted out of the office – this isn’t exactly the way one would treat an employee who worked as hard as McGee. As if that weren’t disheartening enough, Bell did not offer McGee any sort of severance package – nothing. Even the most lackluster employee with average performance generally gets at least two-weeks severance pay. McGee received nothing – Tuesday was the last day for which he’d be paid. In addition, Bell also stopped McGee’s insurance on July 31. He does have the option to get COBRA, but realistically, who can afford $1700 per month? Now his wife and their three children have no income from him and no insurance…an incredibly scary thing for anyone, especially people with small children.

Since technically McGee wasn’t let go based on performance, but rather restructuring, he should have been given some sort of package. Morally and even ethically Bell’s actions were completely inappropriate. When one acts in such a blatantly disrespectful manner as Bell has, I wonder what challenges or demons she’s facing herself to treat people so poorly. She should truly be ashamed.

There is a bit of sunshine regarding this. Earlier this week, it was announced that McGee will be the new pastor of Zion Hope Baptist Church. Prior to being dismissed, McGee planned to continue his work at IBE. Perhaps Bell didn’t want him to do both or maybe she just wanted to trump his announcement…I don’t know. What I do know is that all things happen for a reason. This is just a stumbling block that will eventually make McGee an even greater man. I pray that God gives McGee and his family the strength and resources they need to overcome this very challenging time.

Change, in its most simplistic form can be wonderful and rewarding, or it can be damaging and even disastrous. The many changes that Bell has made are reflective of the latter. Some sort of Expo intervention needs to be done or the organization may not make it to its 40th year.

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