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Friday, February 7, 2025

Control Pain in Childbirth With Hypnosis

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Scientific research has over the last few years proven the benefits of hypnosis in pain control. You can reduce time in labor and dull your perception of pain naturally and easily with the help of hypnosis downloads.

As a hypnotherapist I often get asked can hypnosis really help with pain control. This question is usually asked by a pregnant mum to be. More and more women these days are choosing to have their children by caesarian and so avoid the pain of natural labor. I find myself wondering if all these women would still do so if they knew how helpful hypnosis can be in relation to pain control and also how easy it is to learn.

Scientific research has over the last few years proven the benefits of hypnosis in pain control. In a Meta analysis of the use of hypnosis for pain control the result showed that surgical patients receiving hypnotherapy had better outcomes than 89% of controls. Not only that, the results also showed that people benefitted equally well irrespective of whether the hypnosis was a recorded session or an individual 1:1 live session. (Montgomery GH, David D, Winkel G, Silverstein JH, Bovbjerg DH. “The effectiveness of adjunctive hypnosis with surgical patients: A meta-analysis” Anesth Analg 2002 Jun;94(6):1639-45)

Clinical studies have shown that women in both first and second stages of labor who use hypnosis in preparation for the birth have an easier time than those in a control group. For example in one published study the hypnosis group spent an average time of 6.4 hours in the first stage as opposed to 9.3 hours in the control group, whilst they spent 37 minutes in the second stage as opposed to 50 minutes. In addition to this, the use of analgesic agents was significantly reduced in the hypnotized groups as opposed to the control groups.

It is great to see that the medical profession is now performing more research into holistic methods of pain control. Years ago people in pain only had access to natural remedies. As modern drugs have become more and more readily available, most people, particularly in the Western world, have turned a blind eye to the natural remedies used previously. As time passes it is becoming ever more obvious that there is still a place for natural remedies in medicine.

Hypnosis is in itself a state of relaxation, which is both normal and natural, and whilst you are in hypnosis you have access to your subconscious mind – the part that knows just what to do and how to do it, the part that acts automatically and spontaneously. Hypnosis allows contact with your inner mind; it allows communication with deep physiological functions.

Did you know that every thought you have has the ability to trigger off neurotransmitters in your brain which send messages to every cell in your organism? Relaxation with the help of hypnosis is just the first step. You can then utilize powerful NLP and hypnotic techniques to visualize the birth of your baby as the most comfortable, smooth and successful birth possible. Your imagination is limitless. It has no boundaries. A picture is worth a thousand words and a metaphor is worth a million. Thus the creative use of metaphorical language on hypnosis downloads for pain control in child birth is incredibly powerful.

What is great is that this is perfectly natural and it has been proven to be successful. Not only that, research has also proven that a hypnosis recording is just as effective as an individual session with a hypnotherapist. And so every mum to be can learn to use hypnosis for pain control in the comfort of her own home simply by using a hypnosis download.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3s for health and well-being.


Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com

About The Author:

With a degree in psychology and qualifications in hypnotherapy, NLP and sports psychology, Roseanna Leaton is one of the leading practitioners of self-improvement. Grab a free hypnosis download from http://www.RoseannaLeaton.com and peruse her extensive library of hypnosis mp3s for health.

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