“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” (Malachi 3:10 King James Version)
It is no secret that we are living in a time of economic turmoil and social unrest in the world. Floodwaters, tornadoes, volcanoes, earthquakes, and oil spills and terror attacks. It seems as if our disobedience has finally made God sick and His cosmic convulsions are evidenced by all of these signs in the Earth. It is as if God is allowing the enemy to test our patience and our peace in order to get us to see how far we have strayed away from the righteous path as a people. It is almost as if war has been declared upon the nation, its politics, its way of government, and its social fabric.
Because we live in two worlds, the nation and the kingdom, we are affected and hopefully not dejected or defeated. The Bible says there will be wars and rumors of wars. In other words there will be battles ahead and our future will be determined not only by whose side you’re on but also if you choose God, then how much will you trust Him on the battlefield.
This is particularly important in regard to our finances. We need finances in the world and in the kingdom. Money is not evil, it is greed and the lust for money that is evil. Money feeds the poor. Money allows the body of Christ to reach the sin-sick world. Extravagance is greed but covetousness is, too. It is as hard for a covetous (stingy, selfish) man to go through the eye of a needle. Both are relative terms but we all must admit the enemy is attacking the finances of the unbeliever and believer alike. For kingdom-minded people, we must never fall prey to making kingdom decisions based on world circumstances.
The Bible says “wealth belongs to God and He alone has the power to give it and take it away.” In the world, the robbers and thieves rob, kill, and destroy, but Jesus said: “…I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10 KJ)
We must avoid all attempts to try to solve Kingdom issues with worldly strategies. What does the Book of the Kingdom say about how to open up heaven over your finances and your future? In the world, the thugs use weapons to take what does not belong to them. What about the kingdom? Will a man rob God? Yes, he will, does, and he has. It is called robbery without a weapon.
You may write to Dr. Benjamin at Bishop@lightoftheworld.org or at Light of the World Christian Church, 4646 N. Michigan Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46228. My book, It’s All In Your Mind, can be ordered at www.tombenjamin.com or by calling (800) 847-9695.