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Friday, October 4, 2024

It’s never trite to say thank you and Happy Thanksgiving

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As my fingers stroke the keyboard and I begin typing this editorial, I do so a bit indecisive about which topic to discuss. There are several current events that I could easily write about as well as a variety of issues that are of major concern for the Black community that I’m sure you wouldn’t mind reading.

However, as I weigh my options and contemplate the direction I’ll take in this week’s editorial, my mind keeps going back to one thing: Thanksgiving.

While it’s a holiday that I certainly love and respect, I wasn’t initially thrilled about dedicating this editorial space to writing about what I’m thankful for two reasons: (1) At least twice in over the decade I’ve been at the Recorder, I’ve written about Thanksgiving and what I’m thankful for and (2) I simply didn’t think people would be incredibly interested in reading about it … again.

But, with every stroke of the keys, I realize that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being thankful and there’s certainly nothing wrong with publicly expressing our thanks. As a matter of fact, I believe that God wants us to profess our gratitude. And who knows, maybe while doing so, someone reading this will be reminded of how fortunate they are and thus share their thankfulness with another person. It could go on and on … kind of like those chain Facebook posts that encourage people to copy and paste the beginning of a sentence, but put their own words in to finish the statement. Before you realize it, the “game” becomes rather catchy and it’s actually fun to read what other people are saying. It’s amazing how the direction of the posts can go from something really wacky, to very serious or even nostalgic.

So, without any further delay (I’m now making that annoying drum roll sound in my head), here’s my 2010 Thankful List.

I’m thankful for:

n God’s grace.

n Being alive.

n A mother who understood the importance of exhibiting love and being a good example to her children.

n Having the world’s best brother and sister.

n Having a very loving and sometimes comical family (complete with the uncle who always talks so much people eventually stop listening and only nod their heads or occasionally say “really” and “ooh.” There’s also the family show-boat who likes to tell of all his material possessions and the family know-it-all, who thinks she knows everything about everything).

n Being blessed with a career that I love.

n Friends with who, though we may not see or talk to each other often enough, there’s never any love lost.

n Discernment.

n My sister being blessed with the life growing inside of her and that the baby is healthy (I can’t wait to meet my nephew!).

n My pastor.

n You, the Recorder readers and supporters

n The Recorder team.

n Fulfillment and mentors.

n My brother’s tireless work ethic.

n The ability (and need) to say no when I really want to say yes.

n All the opportunities and blessings that God has bestowed upon me.

n Knowing my worth and when I’m not being valued.

n The Recorder and its historic presence in this community.

n President Barack Obama.

n Peace, wisdom and knowledge.

n Love.

This is only a partial list, as I could fill every page of the Recorder with the things that I’m thankful for and my many blessings. Now it’s your turn. I always encourage journaling, but if you don’t journal, then simply tell someone what you’re thankful for … your efforts may lead that person to reflect on their own blessings.

As you and your family are celebrating Thanksgiving, maybe you should play a “game” of your own and go around the room and have everyone mention a few things they’re thankful for. It’s a great way to reflect on the true essence of life. It’s also a great way to kick off a wonderful holiday season.

I recently visited a church and the person speaking said something that I now try to say to myself or pray everyday. He said his daily prayer is for him to be a blessing to someone else and if he’s not a blessing to him or her, then let them be a blessing to him.

I hope the Recorder has been a blessing to you over the years. Please know that you have certainly been a blessing to us.

Happy Thanksgiving!

You can e-mail comments to Shannon Williams at Shannonw@indyrecorder.com.

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