Know Your History!
Up to the early 20th century, most American knowledge of Black history was
limited to the African American struggle through slavery and emancipation. The
significance of Black history is recognition of the advancements and
accomplishments of a group of people once defined by the Constitution as three-
fifths of a person. While slavery in America hosts the background of Black history,
the African American impact on history reaches beyond the country’s early history,
as African Americans have made significant contributions.
African-American Facts for Week of: June 5, 2016Ā
June 5, 1950
The Supreme Court weakened the foundations
U.S. Supreme Court undermined the legal foundations of segregation in three landmark cases, Sweatt v. Painter, McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents and Henderson v. United States.
June 5, 1956
Montgomery Buses Segregated
Federal court ruled that racial segregation on Montgomery city buses violated Constitution.
June 6, 1950Ā
Lt. Gen. Frank E. Petersen
On June 6, 1950, Frank Petersen enlisted in the Navy. At the age of 20, he was the first Afro-American to be named a naval aviator in the Marine Corp. He was also the first African American to command a fighter squadron, a fighter air group, an air wing, and a major base. Lt. Gen. Frank. Petersen, was considered by his friends to be a leader and a gentleman in his affairs.
June 6, 1987
Mae Jemison chosen to be Astronaut
Mae C. Jemison, M.D. was chosen by NASA to begin training as a space shuttle.
June 7, 1930
New York Times agrees to use term Negro
Respecting Negro demands, the “New York Times” announced that the “N” in the word “Negro” would be henceforth capitalized in its pages.
June 8, 1953
Martin Luther King Jr. Marries
In 1953, King, Sr., performs the marriage ceremony of King, Jr., and Coretta Scott at the Scott home near Marion, Alabama.
June 8, 1982
1982 – Satchel Paige, dies
Baseball legend pitcher Satchel Paige dies in Kansas, City Missouri. Satchel who played famously in the Negro Leagues, went unrecognized by major baseball leagues for nearly a decade. He was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1971.
June 9, 1989
Call for Reparations by Congressman John Conyers
Congressman John Conyers D-Michigan announced a call for a reparations study.
June 10, 1964
1964 – U.S. Senate imposed cloture for first time
U.S. Senate imposed cloture for first time on a civil rights measure, ending Southern Filibuster by a vote of 71-29. Civil rights bill, with public accommodation and fair employment sections, was signed by President Johnson on July 2.
June 10, 1941
Death of Marcus Garvey
Death of Marcus Garvey (52), London, England. Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr., ONH (17 August 1887Ā ā 10 June 1940),was a Jamaican political leader, publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, and orator who was a proponent of the Pan-Africanism movement, to which end he founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL). He also founded the Black Star Line, a shipping and passenger line which promoted the return of the African diaspora to their ancestral lands.
June 11, 1963
Vivian Malone and James Hood, accompanied by U.S.
Vivian Malone and James Hood, accompanied by U.S. Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach attempt to register at the University of Alabama. Governor George Wallace bodily blocks their entrance. When National Guardsmen return later in the day with Malone and Hood, Wallace steps aside.
June 11, 1964
Nelson Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment
Nelson Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment for allegedly attempting to sabotage the white South African government.
About AnnetteĀ
Too often America revels in its greatness but often fails to confront or come to grips with the darker moments of American history. Exploring African American history could allow America to lance the boil of the past and move towards healing.
To me, the omission of any group from history teachings results in a limited understanding of history’s relationship with the present and future. Know your history.
Comments, I can be reached at:
Twitter: @Annette92J