Senior year of high school is an exciting time in a teen’s life. It’s the beginning of the end of one’s high school academics. It’s also a time to prepare for that next step in life after graduation.
Many high school seniors look at this time as a chance to have one last final hooray, but experts say this time can be fun and purposeful. The key is to not lose focus on the goal ahead. Following are 10 tips for high school seniors to help stay on track during their final year of high school and prepare for life after they turn the tassel.
- Take the ACT/SAT early. If you don’t like your scores, you can always retake it later during the year.
- Don’t let your GPA drop. Continue to take classes that will challenge you, especially a math course.
- Fill out your FAFSA by March 10. You can make changes to it, but don’t miss the deadline.
- Know the application deadlines for scholarships and admissions to the universities you want to attend.
- Plan your final college campus visits.
- Talk to your guidance counselor and parents about any questions or concerns you may have.
- Make sure you have a College Choice 529 set up, including asking family to contribute through a UPromise account.
- Do not wait to ask for good letters of recommendation. Ask teachers now, allowing for plenty of time for them to write.
- Don’t be afraid to use your free time to volunteer or do an internship.
- Enjoy your senior year!
Source: Indiana Department of Education and Indiana Commission on Higher Education