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Monday, February 17, 2025

Share the love: Q&A with DJ Jerry Wade

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The “loverman” Jerry Wade has gained fame as one of WTLC’s top radio personalities, and those who know him personally can attest that his love for the community is not just for show. Wade started the #SmileForJerry initiative last year to help Hoosiers smile and promote random acts of kindness around Indianapolis, and the campaign is still going strong.

The Indianapolis Recorder recently caught up with Wade to talk about the ways he is sharing the love in Indy.

Indianapolis Recorder Newspaper: What inspired you to start the Smile for Jerry Initiative?  

Wade: A long time ago, my mother taught me it’s easier to smile than to frown. Regardless of what’s going on in my life, I am the guy who smiles. I want to save the world, but I know I can’t save the world. But if I can do something to make someone’s day better, that’s what I’m going to do. We came up with the hashtag #SmileforJerry, and I wake up every morning and post to Facebook and Instagram. I’m just trying to get people fired up to have a great day.

I saw that you were giving out doughnuts on the Circle to promote Random Acts Of Kindness Day throughout our city. How did people respond to that, and do you think that’s something you will do again in the future? 

Oh yeah, I want to do a lot more of that. They took to it really well. It was like, wow; people were happy and smiling, and it was really a good thing.

Why is promoting kindness in Indy important?

There is a lot going on in the world. We need it here, because Indianapolis is a great city with great people, but with so much going on in the world, we need to do our part to think about other people. I know I’m hype about it, because I’m really serious about the campaign. Everyone does not have the gift of waking up and being happy. If you have that, share it with other people. Some people think to give back you need to have a lot of money, but something as simple as a smile can change a day.

You can catch Jerry on 106.7 WTLC Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.–2:45 p.m. and on Saturdays from12–3:45 p.m.

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