During the month of February Girl Scouts celebrate African American History Month and World Thinking Day.
Thinking Day is celebrated annually on February 22, by all Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. It is a day when they think about their sisters in all the countries of the world. Girl Scouts have been celebrating World Thinking Day since 1926. The theme for World Thinking Day this year is “education opens doors for all girls.”
In a letter to Girl Guides and Scouts, World Thinking Day Chair Nadine El Achy had this to say about this year’s theme; “Though access to education has improved worldwide, an estimated 250 million children of primary school age still lack basic reading, writing and numeracy skills, whether in school or not. This situation can and must be changed.”
For more information about Girl Scouts, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or call 855-GSCIN-4U.
To get involved with World Thinking Day visit worldthinkingday.org