Independence Day is the day set aside for recognizing our country the United States of America’s coming into freedom as a sovereign nation independent of foreign rule. Commonly called “The Fourth of July,” most Americans spend this time barbecuing and enjoying fireworks. Little, if any thought is given to the concept of appreciating freedom as a nation or as an individual.
As there is freedom for our nation, there is a deeper sense of freedom for the human being which no nation, group, or person can give to another person. Freedom given to one man by another man is called emancipation. But true freedom is special and it is a declared independence that comes directly from our Creator, not another man. This special freedom we are speaking of is the freedom of the intellect, and the freedom of the human soul. Only Allah (G-d) can give the human person that type of freedom.
The following Qur’anic verse describes Prophet Muhammed, prayers and peace be on him as a liberator. “… He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper.” 7:157
First G-d raises his Prophets and Messengers from the burdening state of ignorance to a state of freedom; then these men and women of G-d begin to free their people. Every prophet of G-d came as a liberator to free the minds of society from the burdens of sin and wrong doing. Their freedom came after they submitted their lives to right guidance.
The freeing of America from the domination of England and other nations did not guarantee immediate freedom for every citizen of the United States of America, especially African Americans who were the chattel slave property of free Americans. The freedom of the individual is the real freedom that G-d has ordained. The freedom of the individual supersedes national freedom, even though the two go hand-in-hand.
As we celebrate the freedom of our great country the United States of America, may we also remember the greater freedom of the individual as ordained by Allah (G-d).
We thank Allah for the religious freedoms we have in America. The freedom to be a Muslim, Christian, or Jew – or whichever faith expression we chose – is a national treasure that we all Americans should cherish deeply.
Of all the liberators in history Prophet Muhammed still remains the most effective. Many of the pleasures that we take for granted from the scientific, medicine, and governmental arenas came as a direct result of the divine mission of Prophet Muhammed of Arabia. It was his clear delivery of the revelation of the Holy Qur’an and his exemplary model that freed the intellects of humanity to think beyond the superstitions and fears that held the minds and souls of humanity in bondage.
Islam gave birth to the European Renaissance which gave birth to intellects like that of Germany’s Martin Luther that led to Europeans seeking freedom from religious persecution, thus America and our United States of America.
Each of G-d’s prophets brought a quantitative degree of freedom for the human intellect and soul; however, with the completed revelation of the Holy Qur’an all that was needed for humanity and the human soul to progress in this life as well as prepare for the hereafter was brought with the mission of Prophet Muhammed.
Christ Jesus brought freedom. The statement, “The truth will make/set you free,” was quite a revolutionary statement for his generation. These words of Christ still are a liberating truth that we all should reflect upon this Independence Day.
There is no liberating force for the human mind and soul greater than the liberating force of G-d’s revelation. As we enjoy the festivities of celebrating the freedom’s afforded to us by our nation, the United States of America, may we all remember the greater liberation of our human souls and intellect that can only be achieve from the word of G-d. That is the real Independence.
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