What if, instead of delving straight into resolutions, attaining goals and going after what’s on vision boards, we took a moment to settle into the newness of the year?
Sure, it’s another January and we’ve seen many of them before, but not in the year 2025.
But what if? What if we just took some time to adjust to this new year? What if we took some time to take it all in or as much as our capacity allows? What if we gave ourselves some time to set a pace for how we move about this year, instead of trying to overachieve with our goals? What if we gave ourselves time to settle in and get comfortable?
I know of someone who said they were using this month as a month of reflection and that resolutions wouldn’t be made until February. It caused me to raise my brow in curiosity. No sooner than I did, what was said made sense.
Before we give ourselves a chance to really reflect on the year before, we get a head start on the year to come. But what if? What if we changed the way we did it and do it differently? I know there are goals, quotas, budgets. I know we want to accomplish this (fill in the blank) by a certain time. However, we don’t have to do it that way, at that time.
In the church I grew up in, the elders would say “when I think of the goodness of Jesus”, and I’m sure most of you know the rest of the statement. I take a moment of pause at that statement and offer us the opportunity to do just that — think. Think about how good God was last year, by way of answered and unanswered prayers. Think about how God provided in obvious ways and behind the scenes. Those reflections should lead to thanksgiving, because God did!
Then take some time to reflect on and celebrate your wins. You accomplished some great things last year, even if it was going to work every day or getting out of bed every day, for that matter.
This is not a time to compare you to other people. You ran your race well and if it wasn’t to your liking, your reflection time is an opportunity to course correct and gain new strategy. These reflections should also lead to thanksgiving because you may not be where you want to be, but you’re not where you used to be!
Last but not least, take some time to reflect on where you are and where God wants you to be.
There are two prayers I’ve heard in the last 24 hours that can help with this. One is to simply ask, “God where do you want me to be?” The other is also simple, with a spin on it – “God I don’t know where you want me to be, but I know you do.” Invite Holy Spirit, especially into this moment, so that wisdom, clarity and courage can be conversation partners. And you already know, this too will lead to thanksgiving, because God knows the plans He has for you and will let you know those plans too!
I know we’re already “in” the new year, but it’s never too late to do something different.
So, how about before you delve into those resolutions, goals and vision boards, you take some time to reflect!
Rae Karim can be reached at rae.karim@gmail.com.