The Devil’s advocate


Stephen Miller has made quite a name for himself in the last few years.

At just 39 years of age, he is the new White House Deputy Chief of Staff, as well as U.S. Homeland Security Advisor. Most importantly, Miller is by all accounts one of President Donald Trump’s closest advisors.

Miller is the primary architect of Trump’s immigration pronouncements and policies, which was the case during his first term as well. Muslim Ban during Trump’s first term? Miller. Separating migrant parents from their children? Miller. Reducing legal immigration? Miller.

Beyond immigration policy, Miller is known as one of Trump’s most loyal — even obsequious — acolytes. He diligently worked his way from relative obscurity all the way into Trump’s inner circle during the run up to his first term in office. Miller even became one of the coterie of people who wrote Trump’s first inaugural address. When Miller wasn’t at Trump’s side, he was offstage working at his behest.

Miller remained one of Trump’s strongest defenders after the 2020 election defeat — and a key purveyor of the traitorous attempt to overturn it.

Initially, this was a point at which Trump was somewhat of a pariah even among Republicans. Further (perhaps most importantly to Trump), Miller appears to be content lurking in the shadows rather than usurping the spotlight. In MAGA world, it’s hard to find someone who bleeds redder blood than Stephen Miller.

Most disturbingly, Miller has trafficked in white nationalist propaganda, including from American Renaissance and VDARE. The latter’s founder, Peter Brimelow, is an avowed racist who has said that “whites built American culture,” adding, “it is at risk from non-whites who would seek to change it.” While VDARE ceased operating in 2024, its corrosive effects will be felt for years to come.

Miller is a descendent of Jewish immigrants who came to America after fleeing pogroms in what is now Belarus. It is astounding that he has become an enabler of avowed anti-Semites. Tragically, Miller views them as allies in his quest to cripple non-white immigration to the U.S. For him, the American melting pot contains an ethnic stew that has too many ingredients.

Even as a high school student, Miller’s racism against Latinos was evident. For example, he was fond of telling Hispanics to “only speak English.” One of his classmates from high school has said Miller ended their friendship because that classmate was Latino. Later, as an undergraduate at Duke University, Miller befriended Richard Spencer. Spencer is one of America’s best-known white nationalists.

The sad truth is that, as extreme as Miller is, he hasn’t implemented everything that he desires. Most people would be surprised to learn that, apparently, the person who limits Miller’s influence on Trump is Trump himself. The fact that Miller is willing to go even further in anti-immigration policies than is the president says a great deal.

We don’t know exactly what Trump’s second term in office heralds for many issues, including immigration. We do know that this administration has begun with a so-called “flood the zone” strategy. In short, Trump is attempting to do as much as he can to disrupt, disorient, and debase those whom he perceives to be his enemies. This time he has four years of experience and a clear blueprint for action.

Deportations of undocumented immigrants have already begun in earnest, including at places — including churches — that were formerly considered to be safe. We have come a very long way from Ronald Reagan’s “shining city on a hill.” (Some will recall that Reagan signed into law an amnesty bill that ultimately gave permanent legal status to roughly 2.7 million undocumented immigrations.)

If Trump and Miller have their way, America will no longer be a beacon of light; it will be a haven of darkness.

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