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Thursday, February 6, 2025

God: the stress reliever

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Your heart beats speedily.

You’re out of breath.

Your blood pressure begins to rise.

Those are a few indicators that you may be experiencing stress. According to Webster’s Dictionary the definition of stress is mental, emotional or physical tension, strain or distress. Deemed as America’s No. 1 health problem by the American Institute of Stress, experts say that anxiety can overtake you physically, emotionally and even spirituality.

During chaotic times, it may seem hard to find relief from stress, however, there are many ways to relieve anxiety-from daily exercising to a weekend getaway. But many may forget that God is also a stress reliever.

The Bible states in 1 Peter 5:7, “to cast all your cares upon the Lord for he careth for you.”

Dr. Shelia Triplet, director of counseling education for Eastern Star Church states that scripture is one of the fundamentals of what Christians adhere to as believers.

“God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit will do all we need them to do,” Triplet said. “We are faced with trials and tribulations in our lives, however we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.”

Triplet said stress isn’t preventable because it comes along with life. However, the way everyone handles stress is different.

Nicolas Katra, a Christian, said listening to worship music relieves him of emotional, physical and mental stress.

“Usually when I’m angry or frustrated with something or I feel sad, I go in my own little world and turn on some worship music,” Katra said. “I just sit there and soak in God’s presence, to the point where I forget about everything else and just think about (God).”

Triplet recommends reading your Bible, prayer and mediation and fellowshipping with other believers as beneficial stress relievers for Christians.

Some ministers’ state indulging in the Word of God gives Christians power and strength to withstand the darts of the enemy and the daily challenges in life. They say prayer and meditation develop one’s inner being and allows Christians to be at peace with themselves and God. Meanwhile, fellowshipping with other followers of Christ allows believers to know they are not alone throughout their Christian journey.

People have many demands in life including finances, relationships and numerous other circumstances that can bring about anxiety, but Triplet adds that we have to see those situations as temporal.

“Stress is not preventable,” Triplet said. “You may be around a believer and say ‘how can that person still have a smile on their face?’ Because they know it’s just temporary. Philippians the fourth chapter says; the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your mind through Christ Jesus.”

Katra added that being alone is essential when you are trying to relieve yourself of unnecessary stress.

“When I go into my own place with God, it relieves me of all the frustration, sadness and stress that I have towards whatever the situation is,” Katra said. “I also reminisce on the things he has done for me in the past, and has brought me out of.”

According to Time magazine it has been estimated that 75 to 90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems. Christians are not exempt from stress, however Christ is willing to take that burden, only if one allows him to.



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