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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The nudge

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“Jesus is knocking at the door

Jesus is ringing the bell

Would you please answer the nudge

And let Jesus in?”

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide (nudge) you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come” 

John 16:13

“You might as well answer the door, my child, the truth is

furiously knocking.”

Lucille Clifton

This year I preached on one of my favorite passages – John 2:1-12 – the account of Jesus at the Wedding at Cana and the miracle of the wine. It reminds me of Hebrews 4:15 scripture which says that Jesus is our High Priest and knows exactly how it feels to be human. Here in this passage, we see Jesus as a full-grown man, Savior of the world, Prince of Peace, Son of God and … Even the Messiah can’t escape … the Mama Nudge. (Smile … that’s a human experience)

You know the nudge, I promise you that you have given the nudge and received the nudge. The nudge never comes as a question, but rather it is wrapped up as a statement that is really a request.

Mary’s Nudge: There’s no more wine.

Translation/Request: Get more wine.

There was an important context behind Mary’s nudge. A wedding was a major event that could last for several days. It was a point of pride and honor for hosts to abundantly provide for their guests. Not doing so would be embarrassing and could bring shame upon the hosts. Mary cared about the family. Jesus eventually honored his mother’s nudge/request and miraculously turned the water to wine.

Mary’s nudge had a ripple effect – The miracle impacted the servants who knew the One who changed the water to wine and carried the vessels. Jesus used those who were often overlooked and marginalized to be the bearers of the first miracle. It impacted the Disciples who were able to witness the miracle together as a group.

But most of all, the Nudge impacts each one of us today. Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, is still nudging us. Who are the Marys in your life that have nudged (gently and not gently) you when they saw a gift in you? As we enter the season of Advent and enter into the sacred practice of waiting, take time to listen to the nudge.

Listen to the Nudge to use your efforts, time and resources, even when it’s not the easiest or most convenient. This impacts those who need this miracle at this moment.   Listen to Nudge to start the ministry, take a break, launch the business, write the book, follow your heart. This is going to impact those who need to receive this. Your nudge has a ripple effect.

This is for all of those who have encouraged and nudged me. This is

also a reminder that there are people waiting on the other side of Your



Rev Sheila P Spencer

Affirmation: Follow the Nudge

Rev. Sheila P Spencer is an author, poet, teacher, traveler and preacher. She obeyed the nudge and published “Gratitude Journal: Recharging Spirit, Reviving Body and Renewing Soul” (on Amazon). Contact her at CustomMadeInspiration@gmail.com, and her website is www.sheilapspencer.com.

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