Get clear on your 2025 goals with purpose and presence



As humans, we are naturally driven to want more. We set goals, achieve them, and then immediately aim for the next milestone. This cycle can be amazing when balanced in a healthy way. Striving for more helps us expand beyond what we thought possible, pushing us to live fully engaged lives. Itā€™s invigorating!

But hereā€™s the problem: when we believe that achieving the goal itself ā€” a new career, house, car, vacation, or a huge savings account ā€” is what creates joy, gratitude, or worthiness. This false belief can lead to a life filled with hustle and exhaustion, only to ā€œarriveā€ and feel the same ā€” or worse ā€” because of unmet expectations.

Hereā€™s the truth: 99% of the time, we are on the journey. Only 1% of the time will we actually be at the destination before weā€™re onto the next goal. That means most of your life is spent in the pursuit ā€” not the achievement. If you donā€™t learn how to enjoy the now, youā€™ll miss the beauty of your current life.

Your feelings donā€™t come from the goal or the ā€œthing.ā€ They come from your thoughts about what youā€™ve accomplished. For example, someone working hard to pay off their home might think, ā€œOnce Iā€™ve paid it off, Iā€™ll feel proud and at peace.ā€ But peace and pride arenā€™t tied to the goal ā€” they come from thoughts like, ā€œI did itā€ or ā€œItā€™s officially mine.ā€

Hereā€™s the empowering truth: peace and pride can be created right now. Reflect on the things youā€™re already proud of in your life. You donā€™t have to wait to reach any goal to create positive emotions now.

As you set your goals for 2025, try this:

  1. Write a list of 10 things you really want to create or achieve.
  2. If you could make one of those things happen now, which one would make the biggest difference in your life? Let this become your focus in 2025.

We can pursue many goals, but focusing on one main goal keeps us organized and aware when weā€™re off track.

To reach your goals, start by answering these questions:

  • How will you feel when youā€™ve achieved this goal? What emotion will it create? Practice feeling that emotion now.
  • What will you need to think about yourself to take the consistent action required? Be intentional with how you think about your goal and your ability to achieve it.
  • What obstacles are standing in your way right now?

Turn those obstacles into your strategy for the year. Each one becomes part of your to-do list. For example, if ā€œnot enough timeā€ is an obstacle, your strategy might include carving out an hour each morning for focused work.

Take time to think of solutions for each obstacle. Remember, you donā€™t have to be perfect. Perfectionism only holds you back. You wonā€™t know if every action will work ā€” but taking action leads to more data and brings you closer to what does work. Trial and error, combined with consistent effort, is how we create real change.

Pursuing goals is about balance ā€” working toward what you want while staying present in the life youā€™re living now. The future youā€™re striving for only matters in the present moment. When you ā€œarriveā€ at your goal, the only time youā€™ll experience it is in the now.

This balance allows us to push ourselves toward aspirations while appreciating our current relationships, experiences and gifts. It creates a richer, more fulfilling life.

If youā€™re setting goals for 2025, remember to remain in constant gratitude for the present. Without this balance, we risk looking back on life wondering what happened ā€” waiting on something external to bring us the joy and peace we had the power to create all along.

Want to gain clarity on your 2025 goals and learn how to focus on ONE key area? Join us for our virtual vision board party on Jan. 31. To register, email

Regina Sloan is a life coach focused on helping women break through barriers and create lasting change in their personal & professional lives. Reach her at; LinkedIn: Regina Sloan; Facebook: Regina Sloan Coaching; Instagram: @Yourmindsetnurse.

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