Global Motivations: A Trusted Global Voice With Impact and Influence


By Dr. Toby Malichi, Hon.D.Bus., D.H.L.

May is World Trade Month

Dr. Toby Malichi, Hon.D.Bus., D.H.L.

The month of May is traditionally “Race Month” in the City of Indianapolis, and rightfully so, featuring the greatest spectacle in racing, The Indianapolis 500, and, this year, The Grand Prix. However, there is another long-standing celebration in the United States and around the world that has not been promoted or celebrated in Indiana with the attention that it deserves. I doubt seriously, that if I were to interview 100 people, they would know about the month of May being World Trade Month. My educated guess would be that only 1 in 10 heavily promote or celebrate it, including corporations, small businesses, and government organizations, let alone are aware of it.

International trade doesn’t just benefit large companies, but the entire American business community.

“More than 41 million American jobs depend on trade. That’s nearly one in every three private sector jobs. All across America, small and medium-sized exporters are flourishing, selling their products to international customers, gaining market share—and creating jobs,” according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

I, for one, favor worker-centered trade agreements. My goal for over four decades is to increase awareness and knowledge of international trade value impacts, trade-related policy issues, and the importance of exporting on behalf of Indiana’s businesses. We rank among one of the top states in the country as leaders in the industry of trade and attracting foreign direct investment. Consequently, we produce some of the best and most profitable exporters around the globe. I strongly believe small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), corporations, and trade NGOs should be celebrated in Indiana on a much grander scale, nationally and globally. I would be very remiss if I didn’t include my over 41 years founding my own companies Malichi Group Worldwide, LLC, Malichi Impact Group, and Global Chamber Indianapolis and Indiana.

This success strategy will strategically position Indiana as the premier global hub for trade and investment to be celebrated not just during the month of May, but all year-round.

So don’t talk about it, be about it. And that is exactly what I am doing by writing this global business column as a practitioner, and in collaboration with our trusted assets, and regional economic partners worldwide.

My dream, inspiration, and hard work to facilitate and expose Indiana exporters and business leaders to the richness and potential business opportunities on the Continent of Africa was realized on May 4 after over two years of obstacle-laden delays. As CoChair, Emcee, and Moderator, the overwhelming success of the “Doing Business With Africa Conference was done so by outstanding keynote speakers and panelists, whose content-rich presentations were outstanding including William Fanjoy, Senior Advisor, Prosper Africa, and exemplary keynote speakers Danika R. Starks, Advisor to the U.S. Executive Director – Sr. U.S. Commercial Liaison to The World Bank, and Ramiro Cabral, Executive Vice President, Elanco International – to just over 100 attendees at the Carmichael Hotel in Carmel.

Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb and Secretary of Commerce Brad Chambers, Indiana Economic Development Corporation attended Global Day, held during the Grand Prix, and most certainly boosted Indiana’s standing for a successful World Trade Month globally.

We doze, but never close. Have a successful day and think globally!

Any questions or comments, please contact Dr. Toby Malichi directly anytime day or night: 317.515.8866 or and follow him on For more news courtesy of the Indianapolis Recorder, click here. You can also check out the Indiana Minority Business Magazine by clicking here.