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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Marion County Sheriff’s deputy killed in dog attack

“First and foremost, Deputy White was a mother. She died protecting the most important person in her life in a tragic animal attack in her home,” said Deputy Chief Brittany Seligman with the Marion County Sheriff’s Office in a press conference Wednesday.  

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Family and friends are remembering longtime Marion County Sheriff Office Deputy Tamieka White. She died Tuesday night while protecting her 8-year-old son during a dog attack in her home, according to officials. 

“First and foremost, Deputy White was a mother. She died protecting the most important person in her life in a tragic animal attack in her home,” said Deputy Chief Brittany Seligman with the Marion County Sheriff’s Office in a press conference Wednesday.  

The 46-year-old was pronounced dead on the scene when Marion County police responded to a call before 8:00 p.m. of an aggressive animal at her home in the 1700 block of Forsythia Drive on the east side.  

According to police, the dog’s owner has not yet been identified.

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White’s son was also attacked and is recovering from non-life-threatening injuries. 

According to police, multiple dogs were at the home when officers arrive. Officers shot one dog, which they described as “actively aggressive.”

White has been with the Sheriff’s Office for 17 years.  

Dep. Chief Seligman said, “White was kind and compassionate, and although she was tiny in stature, she had a big heart. You never saw her without a smile on her face, and she would do anything to help her friends, her family and her fellow deputies.”

Marion County Sheriff Kerry Forestal said in a statement made Wednesday that the department is grateful for White’s service. 

IMPD is investigating the attack. The animals in the home were detained by Indianapolis Animal Care Services. 

In a statement, they said they seized three additional dogs and a cat from White’s home and also impounded the dead dog’s body.

The breeds have not been confirmed yet as they are pending a DNA test, but all the dogs appeared to be a “pitbull-type.”

Contact staff writer Jade Jackson at 317-607-5792 or by email JadeJ@IndyRecorder.com. Follow her on Twitter @IAMJADEJACKSON 

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